
Showing posts from June 20, 2019

Scientists use a 'blood' like substance to power a robotic fish

Robotic Fish swimming Robots can do all sorts of things that humans do, they can deliver packages, drive cars, and now, they can bleed. Researchers are employing the use of a 'blood' like substance to power a robotic fish. Scientific researchers said the use of 'electrolytic vascular systems for energy-dense robots' which in this particular case means, a robotic fish that relies on a form of synthetic 'blood.' That is using a blood as fuel, a robot fish could swim for hours. The 'blood' increases it efficiency more than life fishes. According to reports, the specimen uses a type of human-engineered circulatory system to pump a synthetic 'blood': an electrolyte solution used as hydraulic fuel to provide its propulsion and power.